
Canada Grains Act Review

We work to ensure that Canada’s grain farmers are well-positioned to capitalize on the latest innovation and research. Over the last forty years, the Canadian grains sector has substantially evolved, with the growth of canola and the oil-processing sector and the size and sophistication of today’s farms. The Canadian Grain Act has not kept pace with these changes while imposing higher costs on farmers.

Canadian grain farmers are leaders in innovation, and modernizing the Canadian Grains Act will provide the opportunity to define the “gold standard” for grain quality and allow us to uphold our global reputation as a trusted supplier of grain. The Canadian Grain Commission plays a central role in assuring Canadian grain quality – modernized legislation and regulatory framework will create an agile and responsive commission that drives agriculture’s competitiveness.

We engaged in Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada’s (AAFC) consultations on the Canada Grain Act review, forming a working group with our members to collaborate and establish consensus on priority issues. In the Spring of 2021, we released our submission to AAFC.

Supplemental Information


The online consultations closed on April 30, 2021, and a summary of the feedback is yet to be published. We will remain engaged through direct work with AAFC and will continue to provide updates to our members.